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Sunday February 23rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘health care’

Health Care Law Suffers First Setback

Health Care Law Suffers First Setback

Federal Judge Henry E. Hudson ruled Monday that the provision requiring people to buy health insurance violates the Commerce and General Welfare clauses. He called for the provision to be severed, but allowed the rest of the law to remain intact. While two other cases were heard by Federal judges who ruled in favor of the law, this is the first [...]

Public Hospitals Hitting The Chopping Block

Public Hospitals Hitting The Chopping Block

Many public hospitals owned by local governments are being slated for disposal as rising costs force them to tighten their financial belts. Because most public hospitals tend to be solo operations, they don't enjoy the economies of scale, or more generous insurance contracts, which bolster revenue at many larger nonprofit and for-profit [...]

Bariatric Surgery Shown To Reduce Diabetes

Bariatric Surgery Shown To Reduce Diabetes

In a recent study at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine researchers found that bariatric surgery not only enables obese diabetic patients to lose weight, but the majority of them were also able to quit taking diabetes medications as well. Researcher Martin Makary, associate professor of surgery, headed up a project that evaluated 2,235 [...]